Lost: Jughead (2009)
Season 5, Episode 3
Others in the past
21 June 2018
When 'Lost' was in its prime, it was must-watch television. Remember first watching it, found it remarkably easy to get into, was hooked from the start and was on Season 3 by the end of one week. The general consensus is that the final season is a disappointment and cannot disagree.

Season 4 was a solid season, with high points such as "The Beginning of the End", the three part finale and particularly "The Constant" and the only disappointments (though they were still decent) being "The Other Woman" and "Eggtown". "Because You Left" couldn't have been a better way to start Season 5. Definitely among the stronger 'Lost' season openers and one of the most confident and most settled.

"Jughead" has received mixed/divisive opinions here even with the high rating and can understand why. Personally find it a good episode myself, but nowhere near one of 'Lost's' best. There are also far better Desmond-centric episodes, that have more interesting stories and have more to Desmond's character, actually found the island events more intriguing.

Not without flaws. On top of lacking the tautness and tension of the best 'Lost' episodes, the dialogue can be too simple and lacking freshness, some of it can be uncharacteristically awkward too. The cliff-hanger is also a bit forced, Charlotte's story is not particularly interesting.

The island events generally are though, providing answers while also setting things up and doing both adeptly. There are a couple of shocks here too, especially as said with the reveals for both Richard's and even more so Widmore. Desmond's story does have heart though. Everything with the Others is not as confusing as it sounds either, though occasionally it could have been clearer.

Have nothing to fault the acting, especially from Henry Ian Cusick, Nestor Carbonell and Alan Dale. Terry O'Quinn can do no wrong either, and his role in "Jughead" intrigues a lot and one of the better faring ones.

Production values are stylish, the direction controlled and confident and the music understated and chilling. The writing has been much better though, something that is usually praised by me.

On the whole, good but could have been a lot better. 7.5/10 Bethany Cox
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