Review of The Rain

The Rain (2018–2020)
Simply disappointing
22 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I watched all 8 episodes in Danish with subtitles.

The premise was interesting but the story never rose to match the funding this series received. Much of the material presented was annoying, jarring and bears little relation to reality. Spreading a virus through cloud seeding? What would be the point of setting up quarantine zones if the virus moves with the clouds? Do these people also have the ability to affect where clouds would be? If so, they truly have godlike abilities and would not need to do anything else to have the rest of the world worship at their feet.

As have been mentioned numerous times by others, the characters were all unattractive. Special mention should be given to the character Rasmus. Civilization has fallen apart, the girl you are with thinks she has become infected and the dickhead wants to have sex with her. We do not know if Beatrice died because she was exposed to rain water (probably not, others in the party were exposed too and they were fine) or her death was the result of having sex with Rasmus who is a carrier of the virus.

Much of the plot revolved around the party's quest for food. Apparently, 6 years after an apocalyptic event wipes out much of the population and with it the food production and distribution system, people would still think that food is something which comes in a package. The stupidity of this theme is just unforgivable. A few months after an apocalyptic event occurs, processed foods would basically disappear. The survivors would be looking for food the way our ancestors did - by growing or hunting it. There would be no way to survive otherwise.

The sense of selfishness and entitlement that is so infused in this show makes me feel sorry for Danes because this is their one TV program that has gotten wide distribution. The people who created this series clearly grew up in a very privileged background because they really seem to think that characters putting themselves first above all others even in the face of catastrophe for everyone else is a given. Only the very rich who were waited on hand and foot would hold such notions.

Spare some thought for Denmark, do not make another season of this.
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