Evil Bong High 5: How is this still going?
29 June 2018
The 5th movie in the Evil Bong franchise, 6th if you include Evil Bong vs Gingerdead Man. Credit where credit is due, it's astonishing that it's lasted as long as it has.

Stuck in the "Bong world" our heroes are given a chance to escape Eebee forever. They must return to the real world and using their weed shop accumulate 1 million dollars in 30 days!

Along the way we see more of the Gingerdead Man and a couple of other Full Moon alumni. Ontop of that practically every character from the last few movies has at least a cameo appearance.

This impresses me further, the fact they still have most of the original cast and from movie to movie feature the same ensemble of oddball characters.

Make no mistake none of the Evil Bong films are exactly good but you can do worse and this believe it or not is one of the better ones.

The Good:

Consistent cast

The celebrity references are quite funny

The Bad:

Mindy Robinson

Still really damn dumb

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Weed stores make a million per month

I need someone to teach me how to nothinghead

I want a badass dolls collection
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