Forever Green (1989–1992)
Livin' in a home in the heart of the country
7 July 2018
I remember this lovely little drama so well, from a time before we became embedded in smartphones and technology. Forever Green is unashamedly eco and forward thinking, capturing the majesty of the English countryside, it's people, it's wildlife, and the magic of nature. From night owls to wind rustling trees, it breathes fresh air through your lungs. Produced by the incomparable Brian Eastman and starring the perfect pairing of John Alderton and Pauline Collins as the Boult family, who leave behind the rat race and the city noise and lights for an old farm in Gloucestershire. They have a son, and a daughter who suffers from asthma whose lives are transformed by the change of air. A fine supporting cast includes Daisy Bates, Wendy Alison van der Plank and Paola Dionisotti. It's reappearance on network tv is long overdue. It's on YouTube. See it and you'll feel those healing vibes wash over you!
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