Street Kings (2008)
Trashed by critics when first released
28 July 2018
They hated the way the main character, played by Reeves, was so violent. The movie also portrayed the cops in LA as racist. The truth is, blue collar guys have always jumped on each other for anything and everything; race, gender, gay, straight, Irish, ugly, dumb, or whatever. It was always a bonding ritual, and no one cared. But writers have never worked in the real world, and they do not know how real men in just about every blue-collar job talk to each other. Every ethnicity does it as well.

This is by far the best Keanu Reeves film I have ever seen. It was super exciting, visceral, and realistic. The ending is a big surprise and the best part of the film, though I found it all entertaining after the beginning. The beginning was off-putting just because we never get to see the real, gritty tension that exists in some cities, especially big cities. No one makes Serpico anymore, or The French Connection type films. When I first saw it in the theaters I was pretty taken by it, but the reviews were so awful I figured I was mistaken. Now I realize I have nothing in common with those puddles of poo and I no longer give a crap what the critics think.
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