"Savagery is the way of all men and only God can save 'em"
7 August 2018
...is what this movie wants us to believe. It strides off boldly in that direction without a second's reflection of its basic, flawed assumption that people are feral, rapacious, murderous and greedier than the worst animals are. Opening scenes show us women who willingly collude with misogynistic highway robbers, men killing each other for water and a supposed bible basher slaughtering a dozen people at a time. The 'hero' doesn't intervene when someone else's neck is on the line, though - for example, when a couple is being beaten and raped - oh no, fulfilling his quest is more important! Presumably, the additional message here is that preserving the alleged word of God is more important than the lives of innocent men and women, who are mere pawns in the quest to ensure 'something greater' survives. What could be greater than the human mind that creates these stories? Isn't destroying people to preserve a stupid book what countless inquisitors and jihadis believe to be right? How is putting a book above human lives meant to make the world a better place, when it apparently led to the near-annihilation of the human race just 30 years earlier? None of these questions are addressed or even asked.

Many of the other assumptions that are made in this film are so gross, it seems like they must have come from someone who was raised with no other education aside from the bible. People never thought of sitting down and sharing food before the bible was written? Seriously?? Ancient artefacts from Egypt, Turkey, Greece, Meso America and all across the planet would beg to differ. Even monkeys and gorillas share their food, for crying out loud (even dogs do). Countless other civilizations have managed to survive huge calamities and upheavals and survive, without a bible. The directors ought to crack open a real history book sometime. They may be pleasantly surprised what they find there.

I've personally also seen better use of this sort of black n white scenery in other graphic novel adaptations, like for instance, Sin City.
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