Friends: The One with the Sharks (2002)
Season 9, Episode 4
A few funny moments, but otherwise unbelievable.
27 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I like the Phoebe subplot, but Joey's and Chandler and Monica's is dumb. Monica witnesses Chandler jump up shouting, "do not disturb!" when she surprises him in Tulsa, as he's watching porn. She sees sharks on the screen thinking he's into shark porn? How dumb is that. It was completely obvious he changed the channel because he thought the hotel staff was coming in. With Joey, he dates a girl, goes to her apartment, and notices he's been there before. He thinks he's had sex with this girl in her apartment before, and not once does the thought go through his mind that she could have a roommate. I know they made Joey dumber throughout the series, but this is just ridiculous. Especially Monica.
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