Yet another "feminist perspective" never questioning why that is the only allowable narrative.
10 September 2018
This is a long watch just to poorly explain hypergamy, confusing it with sex drive. The natural preference for women to want to mate upwards on the social and economic hierarchy.

The problem currently isn't that women are actually out performing men, they have been artificially boosted, programs favor women at every level, and not based on merit, women simply are expensive, and frankly a liability in most cases as we are finding out with Equifax and even Facebook where Cheryl Samberg who was tasked with the business portion of the company simply hid when it was exposed that they were selling more of their user data than they let on. This was a person who spent their time bragging about how little they worked, spending their time talking about child care, feminism, their own "lean in" organization, spending as much time on activism as possible, while going home early rather than working on their actual job. But its accepted because the culture requires its tokens, its illusions. So now we lower standards to hire female firefighters who get injured on the first day of their job, we even remove hand grenade throwing requirements because they've clearly become inconvenient to mostly one group they dare not mention. And this is the path to mouse utopia, not "empowerment", because as said, the market place for relationships becomes incredibly distorted to the point where it simply isn't sustainable. Men still pay most net taxes, and at a certain point, that gravy train will end, you can promote women as much as you desire, but the productivity simply isn't there. Soon, things like the social welfare system will become insolvent, social security being the prime example, and the crash will cause the reset.

Put it simply, mouse utopia is nothing to be proud of, claiming women have a high sex drive misses the point, they don't, its simply that the darker aspects of their nature have been unleashed, and without consequences they have become destructive to the long term survival of western civilization, because as noted by others, women haven't evolved to protect the cultures they exist in, they survive based on hypergamy, and so if any society is foolish enough to indulge their darkest whims, they simply end up the prizes of the invaders, the new victors who haven't been foolish as the men before them. People imagine our current experiment was some how eternal when it is nothing more than that, an experiment, and a rather foolish one at that.

As for the absurd talking head basically drawing a parallel between midwives and abortionists, there is no evidence for that outside of gender studies conspiracy theory. Simple mortality rates and resource limitations kept populations in the past down. Furthermore pretending that past peoples were too dumb to be jealous and engage in the evolutionary game is ridiculous, spurred mostly on by the lefts fixation on the bonobo, failing to realize that is an evolutionary dead end. They fail to learn the lessons, the only time when such sexual freedom exists is when the women are masculinized to the point where they select for weak males they can dominate, and that dysgenic cycle of weakening the species destroys them. Its why the bonobo only exists because of their artificial and splendid isolation, release a band of chimps into their territory and they would simply cease to exist. And this is the problem with the feminist failure to understand why sexual marketplaces always became regulated, they don't understand the alternative is annihilation and extinction.

The Playgirl interview was the perfect example of how ideology blinds such people to reality to the point where market failure isn't enough to wake them up. It was always "not real communism" that time it failed. The former hired head of that company tries to get around the fact of their customers mostly being homosexual men by citing 50 shades of grey, when that example entirely undermines her point. Not only was 50 shades of grey not based on visuals, but it was based on submission, not servitude. To put it simply, when someone claims there is a gold mine, and they won't bother to mine it, you know even they don't believe their own ideas.

The conclusion that women do have power is correct, just not in how they imagine. Humanity is gynocentric, fixated around female needs to the point of excluding reality. Its why they are so afraid to criticize women, or even acknowledge faults. Its why their example of how women are "oppressed" around the world with Michelle Obama talking about "our girls" completely fails to acknowledge that males in those societies are often treated worse. This power, when recklessly unleashed leads to what we see now, the slow dissolution of society. The feminist forgets, the price for the delusion was a bargain, that you would have children to ensure the continuance of society, when that deal is broken, from this power only comes destruction. Near the end they mention polygamy and the 80/20 rule, failing to understand that if they take responsibility for this, it actually makes women's preferences responsible for war, because that is the inevitable consequence of such imbalanced systems.

As always, ignore what people say, watch what people do
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