I nearly didn't watch this gem
10 September 2018
I saw the review on this and it only got 6.3. My IMDB basement is 6.0 so this just about scraped it. There was nothing better on TV so I watched it. Afterwards I thought how the hell did this get only 6.3. All I can say is it must be exclusively American reviewers. When I dug deeper on the reviews it was 8+ which is where I would put it. Not life changing but a real quirky movie that makes you feel good. Yeah if you are not from Ireland/ the British Isles some of the gags might pass you by but if you aren't it's still a cracker. Anna Friel is a revelation. For a Brit her accent is pretty good.....googled her.....her Dad's from Donegal....so that explains a lot. Watch it.....you won't regret it. A real nice under the radar movie that should have got a lot more exposure.
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