Review of Hours

Hours (2013)
Pretty good low budget film
24 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this film while I was with my fiance. We were each picking movies and this is one of the ones that she picked. It turned out being pretty good and at times intense as you kept wondering how much more were they going to throw at the main character of the film. I would have enjoyed the movie more had the film not been a bit depressing. For one, Paul Walker is the star, so seeing him and knowing how prematurely he died makes this one a tougher watch than it would have been had he still been alive. Another scene in this film triggered a memory of my former fiance who passed away and it almost made me break down. Still, all in all a rather good film.

The story has a husband and wife going to a hospital due to the wife going into premature labor. As the husband waits, the winds are kicking up outside as hurricane Katrina is bearing down upon New Orleans. The mother passes away during the birth leaving the husband an wreck, he finds some solace in the fact his daughter is alive; however, she is on life support. Soon the hospital is cleared out and the husband is left watching after his daughter whose life support must be constantly charge due to a low battery. He must deal with this, trying to get help and dealing with looters.

The film was pretty good, I was expecting a bit more as far as the weather causing destruction than what happened, but it was a rather modest budget. We get some water rushing into the hospital and a bit of destruction on the outside, but most of the film is confined in the hospital room with his daughter, but considering how little time he had between times he had to manually recharge the battery it is not surprising!

So the film had a good intensity to it, but at the same time it is a shame they could not do more as far as flooding and stuff. The movie thankfully runs a rather short 87 minutes as a film of this type did not need to go on too much longer than that. Paul Walker does a good job as grieving father and protective father and I liked that the only help he got came in the form of a doggy. Seems about right in this day and age.
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