Confusing and Hard To Watch. Horrible in literally every way.
25 September 2018
Firstly, I'm impressed that anyone shelled out $1000 on this dumpster fire. The whole thing has horrible HDLR that makes it almost impossible to watch. It's like watching a movie through a bad instagram filter. I'm pretty sure the editing was done in i-movie, even the fonts are amatuar. And although cheap and amatuar doesn't always mean bad, this movie is atrocious in every other way imaginable.

I see a couple other reviews saying it's good because you can't figure out the mystery, but that isn't because it's well written. It's because the plot is non existent and you have no idea whats going on. I literally could not tell you what that movie is about. I'm not even sure what the mystery was. There were stories woven into it but most of them didn't make sense when pieced together and were just confusing. Even the acting was horrible, and there was almost no dialogue.

I would say it's worth watching to make fun of, but it's not. It's almost impossible to sit through, even when I was watching it with two other people making commentary. It took us almost 3 days to watch the whole thing, because it's not just uncomfortable and confusing it's also really boring somehow. We had to keep stopping it to take breaks.

I've also seen this movie compared to A Clock Work Orange more then once, but I liked A Clock Work Orange a lot. And I would rather stab my eyes with knitting needles then be forced to sit through this again.
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