Halloween II (1981)
Can't beat the original, but its a solid sequel
15 October 2018
In "Halloween II," the film picks up right where the first movie left off, as Michael Myers survives from getting shot by Sam Loomis, and continues to kill more victims, and try to finish of Laurie Strode. Now Loomis must protect Laurie from Michael and Laurie must survive before its too late. Its hard to top on what made the original "Halloween," a classic, which sadly you can't as it had already set the bar really high, and now there is nothing you can do about it. On the other hand, "Halloween II," does its job for making this a fun sequel. The movie is really faithful to what John Carpenter did with the first one, and Rick Rosenthal, the director really shows that he wanted to be true to first movie; he succeeds really well and got to give him props for doing it. The cinematography is done by Dean Cundey once again, and does another marvelous job as he knows how to shoot film really well. The visuals are about as good as what the first one did, and the atmosphere itself its about as good as the first one. The filmmakers have put their darnest to make this sequel as faithful as possible. The movie is not perfect by any means, but thankfully, the movie didn't turned out to become a disaster. The music is done by John Carpenter with Alan Howarth, which I enjoy, but I prefer the traditional classic piano music that first one did. The story is written by Carpenter and Debra Hill, and thought it was written fine, but not the greatest there is. The performance are done well, but I give most props to Donald Pleasence and Jamie Lee Curtis. The other characters are alright, but not as interesting as Sam Loomis, Laurie Strode, and Michael Myers. The movie does feature gore, than what the first one did, but it really doesn't hurt the movie. I enjoy it, but the director didn't want it, as he wanted to be like the first movie. Carpenter, instead re shot the certain scenes for the movie as he thought it will appeal the audience a bit more. Not a strong move. If the movie didn't have gore, then maybe it would have been the most faithful sequel to the original "Halloween," and whether or not it could have been a perfect sequel. The idea of Michael Myers and Laurie Strode to be brother and sister is fine, but nothing much I can say about. I know the new one will ignore that concept, but I can take it one way or the other. "Halloween II," is nowhere near as good as the first one, but for what it is, its a good movie. Can't beat the original, but its a solid sequel. I'm giving it an 8 out of 10.
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