A Solid Stand Alone Movie
15 October 2018
With Michael Myers out of the picture, John Carpenter and Debra Hill thought the series itself should be an anthology that deals with different Halloween related stories. Unfortunately, everyone hated the movie, and wanted the same movie again with Michael Myers. Not ready for something new and different, huh? With that said, the movie acts as a stand alone movie, where the movie makes no mention of either Sam Loomis, Laurie Strode, or Michael Myers. The story follows about a doctor name Daniel Challis as he becomes suspicious about the situtation, where he meets a beautiful woman name Ellie Grimbridge as they go to Santa Mira by investigating the Silver Shamrock factory where they make Halloween mask, and being led by Conal Cochran. As things go south, Cochran explains his motivation that he is returning Halloween to its sacrificial origins by doing witchcraft, and killing innocent children. To whoever wears those Halloween mask, and watching the commercials, they will died and a bunch of insects and snakes come out of people's face. Its up to Challis to put an end of this nightmare. I will admit, when I first saw this movie, I did not like and never find it scary at all. I was on the same boat as others as this is a "Halloween" movie, but without Michael Myers. As the more I keep thinking about it, the more I've begun to appreciate for what it is. I appreciate for trying something different, but people just want the same movie, and don't want something original. In the trailers and the posters, they address that Michael Myers is not in the movie. They even said "The Night No On Comes Home," but just didn't seem to capture anyone's attention. This was a time before the internet came along. Sometime in the future, they just need to learn their mistakes and go "Okay, back then we weren't ready for something different, now we are and won't repeat the same mistake over again." Not sure it will, but there is only one way to find out. Tommy Lee Wallace does a solid job for directing the movie. As a writer, he explains in the bonus features that he did not wrote the script, but did some re-write to the script as the credits mislead that he was the sole writer. The real writer was Nigel Kneale, who was not credit for the movie, but he deserves so as he wrote a solid script. The cinematography by Dean Cundey is filmed well once again, and the visuals themselves are fantastic. The movie does have that Carpenter vibe, which speaking of Carpenter, he also did the music with Alan Howarth and was able to make a different music for this movie, and really outstanding. The atmosphere is moody, and done well, while the effects are good for the most part. The performances are really good, especially for Stacey Nelkin, Tom Atkins, and wonderfully played by Dan O'Herlihy. If the movie wasn't part of the "Halloween" universe, especially, when its the third "Halloween" movie due to its title, then maybe the movie would have gotten great reviews. "Halloween III: Season of the Witch," may not work as a sequel, but it works as a solid stand alone movie. Not perfect, but not that bad all. I say give it another chance. I'm giving it an 8 out of 10.
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