Meteor Garden (2018)
Loved Almost Every Minute of It
20 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
First I think it's funny how many say this is a copy of "Boys Over Flowers" when the original Meteor Garden they are both based on came out in 2001. Not to mention all on screen adaptations are based on the same book so it's going to be the same in many ways.

Now onto the remake of 2018. I loved this show. Granted I watched this prior to the other versions. In this version there was more character development and relationship building then in previous installments. I enjoyed the softer more likable F-4. Yes Shanchi was also a softer version and I would have liked to see a little more of the toughnesd it wasn't enough to ruin the show as a whole for me.

Here are the things I didn't care for. The side stories tend to be longer than neccessary. The flashbacks probably could have been cut back a bit. The push/pull back and forth of the relationship either by the leads or due to maternal interference got tedious by the end.

The ending is where the show lost 2 stars from me though. The last 2 episodes had way to many flashbacks and very little substance. Then they made the whole thing confusing and weird. They skipped what it was I really wanted to see (after they get the approval/wedding planning ect) and went to a weird sequence where frankly I had no idea what was going on. They rushed the wedding in a weird way. The entire ending was rushed after such a long drawn out series. It left a lot to be desired for me.

Overall, I really liked this drama. It was entertaining and interestingly developed until the final act.
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