The Power (1968)
The Competition Was Fierce
28 October 2018
I'm kind of mystified by people's amazement at how this movie was not taken seriously or received critically well when it came out in 1968. Think about the movies especially science fiction movies that came out in 1968. 2001: A Space Odyssey, Planet of the Apes, The Shakiest Gun in the West, Head, Etc. On television you had Star Trek the Original Series in its third season (not really the best, TBH).

That's some stiff competition that a star-studded cast like the one in this movie simply could not overcome. Just compare the special effects rendered for 2001 alone with this movie. They're not even in the same century, by comparison. Nor is the story.

The reason why the movie off and gets confused being made for television is because it looks like it was made for television.
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