Dino Power
21 November 2018
This is my tenth favorite Super Sentai show. Of course, how I knew about this show was from the original "Power Rangers" show, watch this show and that show really makes it a very interesting experience because both are radically different stories but I like that and technically in a strange sense it also means just more sentai series to watch. This show I kind of feel the same way as I do about the "Power Rangers" show, it's good but in its own way.

The story is solid, this Sentai series is a fantasy themed one which I always like and is something I don't feel Sentai shows do enough of. Putting them in the fantasy category fits really well because one of the things I like it how it actually broadens the world the characters inhabit but also give the show a slight adventurous feel which I think is a nice break from the typical defend the city format. The premise I'll admit is a wild idea on Dinosaurs and Humans coexisting and how there use to be some sort of ancient civilization that existed once. I think that's a cool and creative idea, and that's one of the reasons I love the Super Sentai shows finding new colorful ideas and storylines.

Really like the costume and makeup work on the monsters whom are memorable. I like the monsters that are all unique and stay true to the fantasy theme of the show, each of them is all loosely inspired by mythology making this show a little educational. Like one is a Sphinx, Minitour, Serpent Man, and many others you must see to believe.

Action is awesome all well chorographic along with the pyro techniques as this show like any super sentai show has more explosions than a Michael Bay movie. I really loved seeing the Rangers use the weapons to their full potential not just as the Rangers but also when detransformed they also get to use them, the weapons themselves also detransform as they look and have the same potential like any regular weapon. The weapons also have some powers or even other features we get to see like the Blue Ranger's double headed spear can come apart and he's armed with two short spears but of course my favorite it the ax but my favorite is of course the black Ranger's axe which can also act as a gun, that's awesome it's two weapons in one.

The mecha are awesome looking as each of them are unique as they all resemble the dinos each Zyranger represents. Other than seeing the giant mecha robot battles, I also really like seeing the battles when the mecha were separated and utilize the functions of those vehicles. My favorite is of course King Cesar whom kind of looks like "Mecha Godzilla" this mech just has so many cool features, from that drill tail to the missiles that emerge out of the fingertips which is cool.

The characters are solid as each of them have a certain amount of depth well except for Boi and Dan, which is one of the weak points of the show as both are kind of just typical comic relief architypes which I felt was a shame, the fact both characters had not depth was a lost opportunity. Really like how each of them have not just unique Sentai outfits, but outfits when they all go about their daily lives, however it's kind of strange not just that they Zyrangers don't wear regular clothing in public but that the public doesn't seem to notice.

Two of my favorite characters are Geki/Tyranno Red Ranger and Burai/Dragon Green Ranger, both character I really like because they are the most emotionally afflicted. From Geki forced to endure loss throughout the show which is part of what drives him on to fight. And Burai whom as we see also endures loss from time taken away from not just his own brother but his life.

Villains are solid, Bandora she's a villain you love to dislike as she can be funny but have some menace at the same time as we see she is willing to cross potentional lines into accomplishing her nefarious motive which we discover latter one which makes her sympathetic to an extent, but like I said extent. Though my favorite villains are really Griffizar and Lamy whom you may know as Goldar and Scorpina. Really like the designs of both as their cool look with all that armor and those weapons they wield like Griffozar's broadsword and Lamy her curved sword and those powers their weld, both are almost an unstoppable duo. What's interesting about the two is the fact both are a married couple and have a good relationship which is part of why their villains I actually don't hate, your kind of in a way actually want to see both survive despite playing for the opposing team.

And of course, there is the music which to me is one of the best darn soundtracks I've ever heard in TV shows. From some of the music during an episode, the end theme is solid, however it's that theme song that stands out the most for me, it's one of my favorite theme songs of all time, another one on my playlist of TV themes to listen to on my iPod.

There are plenty of memorable episodes from the stand alones to the arcs. One of my favorite stand alone episodes is the one when both the Pink and Blue Ranger turn bad. It's a typical motif done before and "Power Rangers" had an episode like this but this one I think is even better and funnier because we actually get to see both Pink and Blue just do some damage which could get them arrested in the entire country, surprised they didn't. But what also makes the episode stand out is that it's sort of a big homage/parody on the Asian gangster/crime films as we see all the familiar cleches and troupes.

But there are also ongoing episode arcs which in a way is a bit revolutionary since most TV at the time never really had them, this was before shows like "Once Upon a Time", "Game of Thrones", etc. which have all utilized them. The arc that really stands out in the series is the one between Geki and Burai which is touching and tragic, it really put a tear in my eye because Burai/Green Zuranger is one of my favorite characters, like Geki I didn't want him to die and we see thorough this deadly ordeal Geki and even Burai are racing against time to find some sort of solution for Burai's condition but just as the candle burns down so does all hope. I really liked this arc because it just goes to show how human the characters truly are.

Though like any dino hunt gone bad this show is not without its missteps. Some of the comedy in the show doesn't work, can be really cringe inducing in places. Though same can be said for a lot of super sentai shows and sitcoms, comedy can be a hit or miss affair and it's the hits that count the most, so I can't complain too much.

The actress Reiko Chiba that plays Mei I though her performance was kind of off in places, mainly in some of her line deliver where it really hits a wrong note with me. Not to say she's a bad actress as time went on, she really did improve, but at the time she probably should have had more training.

But those two are small quibbles, my major one is the child of the weak episodes which are a bit much. These episodes really hold the show back from utilizing it's full potentional, let alone I honestly feel it's a cliché in Sentai shows that needs to die. One of the things I hate about those kinds of episodes are they how they divert focus from the characters, the kids in them I honestly didn't care about I thought they were annoying as they fall into all the stereotypes, but worst of all the kids can't act, when they convey emotion you can easily tell it's fake. Just select the episodes where kids aren't anywhere in sight, to me those episodes are when the show really works best because the focus is on the featured characters whom we all really tune in for.

If you're into vintage Sentai shows this show is a focil worth uncovering. Zyuranger roars with excitement and stomps with entertainment.

Rating: 3 and a half stars
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