Berlin Station (2016–2019)
Solid Modern Classic with Many Surprising Turns
10 December 2018
After the superbly produced and acted Bodyguard I suffered "quality spy thriller" withdrawal symptom so I search a little harder and found this gem. I haven't read any John Le Carre novel but after finishing two seasons of this show in less than a week, I will.

The show's moral values are grayer than Person of Interest yet equally captivating. The premise is 101% more sincere than Jason Bourne, their spy tech and weapon use more restrained (it is after all Germany) without sacrificing sexy "spy brawn". International politics and espionage protocol many times more realistic than Homeland - even if main spies exhibited similar annoying low libido control issues.

Directorial voice is modern, concise, unsentimental yet nuanced. The political bias, not very biased, everyone is tainted yet human, redeemable, even heroic in their own way. I don't like "one anti-hero superhero save the world" trope. And Berlin Station is satisfying in that regard. Some unlikely alliances, seemingly amoral personalities could still believe in something. Plentiful inter-personal tensions to make us cringe or wince.

Strong, generous, courageous cast. Even the weaker actors are a 9/10. My only beef with casting, on average primary male characters are (or looked) 20 year older than key female characters. But there is nothing strong acting and good writing-directing can't overcome. Leading beef looks like a cross between Hugh Jackman and Rupert Friend (Quinn of Homeland). Michelle Forbes (The Killing, True Blood, Orphan Black and In Therapy) finally got a role she deserves.

Overall, in spite of the occasional "Americanized" cliches and glam club detours, very believable plot, character relationships, staging, pacing. Some new insights on how things work between countries, and many surprising dramatic turns.

Bonuses: subtle but lethal cinematography and edgy drone shots, moody Berlin beautiful European locations, nice soundtrack.

Berlin Station feels like the kind of rich story world with 10 seasons stamina. Highly recommended.

EDIT March 2019

Please please please RENEW THIS FOR ANOTHER 3 SEASONS!

  • This show has rich developed characters
  • This show has a slow warm-up curve but STAYING POWER
  • This show appeals to 20yo to 60yo in my household, across political spectrums!
  • This show will get more attention due to REAL TIME GLOBAL EVENTS!
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