Review of Cola de Mono

Cola de Mono (2018)
Eggnog Delirium
26 December 2018
"Cola de mono" does have its moments, but it is a not very good little film about two brothers coming to terms with their homosexuality, on Christmas night 1986, in Santiago de Chile, after drinking too much 'cola de mono' (a strong sort of eggnog). Sexy it is, especially in all the scenes where brother Borja appears, very well played by young actor Cristóbal Rodríguez Costabal as the intense, clever and often funny bad apple of what is left of the Díaz family. However, the melodrama went beyond my tolerance level, the more so when credibility was badly affected by an unusual accumulation of secrets, male butts and people with knives, blades and hurting things of all sorts. Other sources list 102 minutes as running time, but I saw this 98 version (with all explicit scenes) and it seemed interminable. Fans of 'queer cinema' would surely rise the rating a bit.
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