Condor (2018–2020)
Flawed Writing but Engaging Overall
27 December 2018
For reference my kind of spy thrillers are Bodyguard, Berlin Station, Killing Eve. I find James Bond and Jason Bourne cartoony. I like Homeland and Americans but I find their story worlds overly compressed and claustrophobic. Never heard of the original Condor and don't care, I judge this TV creation on its own merits.

Condor started off "preppy DC" then things got exciting and bloody real fast. Casting is good, pacing is tight, internal politics and conspiracies are believable enough.

What I have issue with, is the way key female characters were cheaply used and unceremoniously discarded by THE WRITERS. Just as we got to know a girl better to care about her, off she went. WTF. The conspiracy plot line is complicated but made sense. Even the most fanatical and craziest villain made sense. But our lead guy, supposedly a psyop genius, somehow failed to out-think or out-plot the enemies, and made some of the most irresponsible choices anyone could make in his circumstances, which ended up endangering the lives of those who chose to help him with his heroic quest.

Don't get me started on what he didn't do what any saintliest human would do with the gun he suddenly came to possess in the end of second last episode. And yes he's supermodel cute, but for Christ sake stop making him another idealized neo-Bond neo-Bourne exotic glamor babe magnet. Dear writers, GET A GRIP. Your hero is clearly not a genius nor the hottest fittest daredevil around town, neither are you. He FAILED how many women who tried to help him again? Correct. So unless you guys want him to degenerate into yet another narcissistic James Bond who cycle through multiple girlfriends per season, get your spy genius hunk to show some shame or at least guilt?

Maybe the female characters are so disposable because it was after all referencing a 1975 show? But yes, am very grateful that the real bad-ass girls didn't wear high heels and actually had their long hair tied up when it's time to do seriously killing.

My vent/rant aside, it's a good effort overall. Good cast, good effects, good acting. In spite of a few plot hole and plot jumps, satisfying enough ending. Realism level is better than Homeland. Definitely binge watch material. Recommended.
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