Sci-fi at Its Best
5 February 2019
I watched this one twice in two days and will probably return to it in the future. Love the use of the Arizona desert as backdrop. It is visually effective and is used as a metaphor for the unknown and foreboding nature of outer space. The acting is uniformly excellent, going from beyond what you ight expect from 50's sci-fi. Barbara Rush is exquisitely beautiful with a soft voice that compliments her looks. Her almost doll like appearance makes her transformation into an alien so believable and compelling. Joe Sawyer' s performance underlines what a talent he was as a supporting player. Richard Carlson plays his role with total conviction. There are some beautifully crafted monologues as a reminder that Ray Bradbury was behind the production. I would have enjoyed seeing this film in 3D as I could see how the flashing meteorlike spaceships, Joshua trees, landslides and prehensile hands would have emerged from the screen towards the audience to wonderful effect.
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