A Difficult Film to Follow
10 February 2019
This film begins in prehistoric times with a small hunting party killing a gazelle and bringing it back to their tribe located in nearby caves. Not long after their return, however, a volcano erupts which subsequently kills a number of the people to include the leader of the tribe. So having lost their chieftain a new leader emerges and together everybody follows him out into the wilderness. It's during this time that they come upon another tribe and after spending some time with them they proceed on their way with a few members of the new tribe joining them. As it so happens one of the new members is a blonde female who was given to the chieftain to wed and as time passes she gives birth to twin sons-one of them dark haired and the other blonde. Unfortunately, the difficult childbirth proves too much for her and she dies immediately afterward. Strangely enough, at this same time another female of the tribe also gives birth to a young female child who turns out to be dumb. Figuring that this new baby is therefore defective the decision is made by the chieftain to have her killed. Fortunately for her, the shaman of the tribe intervenes and adopts her instead. From that point on the two sons become extreme rivals vying for their father's attention and looking to become the next chieftain while the blonde female trains as an apprentice of the shaman. From that point on it's these three people who will figure prominently in the tribe's success or failure. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was a difficult film for me to follow for several reasons. For starters, except for certain grunts and gestures, there is no language used in this film and that created some difficulty figuring out what was going on at times. Likewise, this decision also hampered the character development as well. That being said, while this might have been a decent movie otherwise, the damage resulting from this poorly conceived decision was just too noticeable and for that reason I have rated this film accordingly. Below average.
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