What in blazes did I just watch?
12 February 2019
This blatant propaganda piece was so bad, it changed me from a lurker to an actual reviewer on this website for the first time in over a decade. Acting was atrocious, the dialogue was delivered with the same gusto of a middle school play, and that's not even touching on the subject matter.

Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. Hard stop. As long as you are not bothering me or someone I love, or interfering with the freedom of others, I could care less what you believe.

It's really hard to apply that philosophy when you are dealing with a dangerous cult that is wanting to transform society to reflect their own narrow interpretation of a 3000-year-old text.

"Movies" like these are designed to appeal to the ignorant and uneducated, stir up their hostilities through their confirmation biases, and have them walk away from the experience more deeply entrenched in their bubbles, ready to take on "the libs". That term, of course, has slowly transformed over the course of the years to mean every single person that does not 100% agree with them.

This movie was physically painful to watch, and even more agonizing knowing that other people were buying into it hook, line, and sinker. These are sad times, friends.
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