Tooth thousand A.D. (Atrocious Dentistry).
18 February 2019
September 1980: I bought my first Prog of 2000A.D. I was twelve and was immediately blown away by the comic's anarchic mix of sci-fi and ultra violence, a far cry from the childish humour of Whizzer and Chips and Whoopee (my previous reading matter of choice). I ordered every 2000A.D. after that, and purchased back issues wherever I could find them, gradually building a complete collection. I eventually stopped reading when I hit my twenties, but I still own every prog I bought (bagged up and stored away for future reading).

This documentary about the galaxy's greatest comic is aimed at people like me -- those who grew up marvelling at the complex world of Judge Dredd, laughing at the antics of D.R. & Quinch, following the drama and action of Strontium Dog, and loving the twisty tales of Tharg's Future Shocks -- but avid fans familiar with the comic will probably find the potted history and discussion on the publication's social impact rather tedious and not particularly enlightening. That said, for those who worship the likes of Brian Bolland, Dave Gibbons, Carlos Ezquerra and John Wagner, it's interesting to see the comic's creators talk candidly about their work and the conditions under which they slaved to bring us weekly doses of thrill power.

Funnily, the one thing that really struck me about this documentary was the teeth: this isn't a great advert for the British dental industry. Brilliant creative talent we have in spades, but perfect gnashers we don't.
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