The Closer: Standards and Practices (2005)
Season 1, Episode 13
Excuse me Captain, I am investigating a murder.
19 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The crime at hand is interrupted by internal strife perpetrated by on LAPD officer and others working with the police. The crime is murder committed by a very angry father because his daughter has been abused by her husband. Bottom line, the father-in-law killed his son-in-law, and he considered his primal duty or right because of his daughter's abuse, visible from her neck bruises and those on her arms. Brenda and team eliminate all the suspects settling on the admitted killer. I murdered that filth who beat my daughter. I protected my family like animals are allowed to do, as I have the right to do.

The episode title maybe refers to Deputy Chief Johnson's statement to her fellow squad members: interrogating people, getting to the truth and knowing the right thing to do politically are two very different things. In fact, to do either of them very well, you pretty much have to ignore the other. What was considered bad behavior prompted by Captain Taylor, Deputy D.A. Powell and FBI Agent Jackson are in Pope's office discussing Chief Johnson's competency versus her dismissive attitude. If IA were to contact you regarding Chief Johnson, Pope enquires, your concerns her intra-agency relations are considered bad. Boohoo to Powell and Jackson, they both screwed up, big time, so it is Brenda's fault? Taylor has had issues unbecoming an officer from the get go, i.e. since Brenda arrived. She puts it perfectly, I can't think of any fair and reasonable system on earth where I wouldn't outrank you. Clean up your own act Captain before you critique others.

Gabriel is in Taylor's office declaring he would tell IA the charges against his boss are small-mined, petty and malicious; he is ashamed of whoever may have filed them. The charges further make him sick to his stomach and you will excuse me Captain, I am investigating a murder. Taylor tried to play the role of the aggressor, but Gabriel leaves him speechless as the Sergeant exits.

A favorite episode brought on by the response Brenda answers her critics. Brenda is correct with her comments. It is not her job to play nice with incompetence internally or elsewhere. She does her job and expects nothing less from everyone else. An aside of asides, where is Pope's head when he offers Taylor a promotion?
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