Review of Corruption

Corruption (1933)
Preston Foster Gives The Machine The Finger
23 February 2019
Young attorney Preston Foster has made a name for himself. Political boss H.B. Warner runs him for mayor and he wins; he's also engaged to Warner's daughter, Natalie Moorhead. However Foster is not interested in business as usual, so he is framed in a sex scandal and thrown out of office. He's also framed for the murder of party strongarm Warner Richmond. The only one who stands by him is loyal secretary Evalyn Knapp.

Miss Knapp was born in 1906. By 1929 she was appearing in short subjects, and her feature debut in SINNER'S HOLIDAY boded well for her career. By 1933, however, her career wason the downslide, with work in serials and B movies. Despite a fine screen presence and delivery, her career never recovered. By the early 1940s she was reduced to bits in major movies. She retired in 1942 to become one of Tinseltown's leading yachtswomen. She was married for more than forty years and died in 1981, less than a week shy of her 75th birthday.

Despite a strong cast and a good first half -- watch until this one provides its PreCode credentials by having a cast member give another the finger -- the second half slides into a silly B-movie conclusion. Even so, it remains watchable to the end.
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