Review of Try

The Walking Dead: Try (2015)
Season 5, Episode 15
Rick the Typical Real Life Officer. An Unlikeable Episode.
4 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is probably the worst episode of the season. Rick is a fool. He has serious anger problems and look what it's done to his reputation. In this episode and the few before it. Everyone who disagrees with Rick or doesn't share his opinions, they are highly criticized by Rick. Rick is out of control. He argues every little thing and will not mind his own business. Couples fight, sometimes they even get violent. But when the victim doesn't want Rick's help, he just won't take no for an answer. I know Rick is the main character of the series, but I have no more respect for him. I don't like what the creators of the show have done with Rick's character. They've made him crazy. Ever since his wife died, he has been the most unlikeable character. He went crazy at the prison. He got Beth killed with his stupid planning. Now, he's going to get himself exiled from Alexandria. He points a gun at everyone after he's told not to kill Pete numerous times. He criticizes how the leaders run the community and unleashes his anger and immaturity instead of expressing himself privately without everyone watching him make a fool of himself and damage his reputation. You will find this episode painful to watch if you like Rick. He is a moron and thankfully Michone shut him up before he could make it worse for himself by firing off his mouth or potentially killing someone. He's exactly how 98% of real police officers are. Reckless, cocky, and thinks only he has the answers. He thinks he's above the law. Just like real police officers. Nobody becomes an officer to help people and the community. People who become officers are natural control freaks and love the power given to them. That's the only reason why people become police officers. I give this episode a 3 out of 10. The way officer Rick is portrayed is very realistic of real life police officers but the way the creators damage Rick's character is very upsetting. Leave your own review and let's see who else agrees that this wasn't a very good episode.
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