Flatliners (1990)
Young people on the verge of death
4 March 2019
As underappreciated as this movie gets, Flatliners is the example of what this movie really is. There's a new film of Flatliners has come out four months ago and it's not well received by audience giving it bad reviews thinking that it's god-awful. Not to say that the original is overlooked it's because it has flaws that are noticeable which is something I know about. I would that the original is much better than the remake. I know that the original has flaws that I didn't know of but that doesn't mean the movie is bad, it's just overlooked by everyone. There's some good cast in this and that's including Kiefer Sutherland. He plays the leader of the vampire's from The Lost Boys directed by Joel Schumacher. In this one, he plays a medical student named Nelson Wright and he has four classmates. There's Rachel Manus played by Julia Roberts, Dave Labraccio played by Kevin Bacon, Joey Hurley played by Alec Baldwin's brother, William Baldwin and Randy Steckle played by Oliver Platt. They're both responsible for the bad things they did in the past. Nelson Wright is responsible for the death of the kid called Billy Mahoney cause he was bullying him and after years of Billy's death Nelson has nightmares about Billy beaten him up. Rachel Manus feels responsible for her father's death and feels horrible about it. David Labraccio feels bad about making fun of a little girl called Winnie Hicks. Joey Hurley is haunted by the video tapes of women sleeping with him afraid that his girlfriend might leave him. And ask for Randy Steckle, he doesn't do anything at all. All he does is doing what he does best no matter what so ever. Now all they gotta do is go to the medical bed to face their past of what they did. The cinematography is great and it's so similar to The Lost Boys. I mean when you look at it, it shows people wearing Halloween costumes dancing and partying, looking at the beautiful views from the islands and yes, it's directed by Joel Schumacher. He makes cinematography look like 80's style. Billy Mahoney who is bullied by Nelson years ago bullies Nelson throughout the movie is the scenes where I can't stop laughing because of his reactions. Like the scene where Billy spits on Nelson's face and he screams and funny for me though he has nightmares like I said in the beginning. There's one full scene that I legitimately remember is the scene where Winnie Hicks calling David names on the train. Once again looking back at The 100 Greatest Insults in Movies on YouTube and whilst I'm watching Flatliners now and remember the scene I said "Oh God, I know this." That would be quite hilarious. I also finding it funny that five characters had to say "1,000, 2,000, 3,000, 4,000, 5,000, breathe." multiple times to make that someone is alive or dead. Flatliners is not only one of Joel Schumacher's overlooked films but some of his most underappreciated. It may be one of the weaker films but I can't help but getting thrilled by this. Joel directed some of his memorable films like The Lost Boys, Falling Down, Phone Booth which I haven't seen these two yet and The Phantom of the Opera. If you are a fan of Joel Schumacher like I do, maybe check this one out. If you are a huge fan of The Lost Boys like me then I would suggest watching these two movies starring Kiefer Sutherland with your friends and have a good time and get thrilled. Now I know the remake is been badly executed but I haven't seen it yet and I know that Kiefer Sutherland is in it. If you're not getting bored watching "The Lost Boys" and "Flatliners" then I would say that every day is not a good day to die.
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