Some Girls (2012–2014)
It's a female inbetweeners except a hundred times better.
6 March 2019
I hated the Inbetweeners but I actually really liked this. It was not aggressively gross or depressing and the main characters actually had a real friendship. In case you're wondering I am a male.

I won't deny it's like the Inbetweeners. It could even be said to be an Inbetweeners rip-off except that it's not trash.

We have four sixth formers. Vivi is the slightly more lucid one who narates the story, Amber is the blissfully stupid one with the most impressive sexual history, Holly is the crass one and Saz is the neurotic one who has no idea how to talk to the opposite sex (she's my favourite, I LOVE her).

I enjoyed the stories. They felt like more than the typical "dear diary" high school girl rigmarole because we're working with such disctinctive, sympathetic characters.

The tone is mostly humourous with some swell jokes. It's not above getting a touch gross but not in an intolerable way. There's a real sense of sisterhood and comeraderie as these friends survive high school (or sixth form as they call it) together.

Yeah, maybe it is an inbetweeners rip-off. But it's a hundred times better.
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