Review of Holiday

Holiday (I) (2018)
A boring, tedious piece of feminist-sploitation. Really, this was lame....
7 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I was looking though a list of the best foreign horror films of 2018. You had the typical fare, movies about demons and hauntings, and then I came across the description for this movie. I went in without seeing the trailer and I prepared myself for a really disturbing film.

Then I waited.

and waited.

And waited.

Nothing happened for 50 some-odd minutes. Seriously, some domestic violence, a young "sugar baby" taking advantage of her daddy, unattractive pale, tan-less people being obnoxious and rude. It was like watching an European family movie. Just tedious, boring stuff. But at that 50 minute mark, you get a full on porn-style sex scene that lasts maybe 3 minutes, but it's unsimulated and really not that shocking, considering hwo easy it is for anyone to access porn these days. Anyone who has watched a porno movie in the last, oh I don't know, 30 YEARS has seen a scene like that in some way, shape or form. The sad part is that a woman would debase herself in such a way to not have to work a day in her life says a lot more about her than it would ever say about him.

We get more boring, obnoxious people, and some more domestic violence for about another 20 minutes.

Then finale has a scene that genuinely shocked me, and the movie was over.

So, here's what you get with this "movie";

First 50 minutes- Boring, trite and tedious. Really, everyone is insufferable.

Minute 50 - minute 55- "Shocking" rape scene that is just a truncated porn scene

1 hour- 1 hour, Ten minutes- "Shocking" scene

The end.

It's just not worth it, folks. It really isn't. It doesn't work as a piece of "female empowerment", it doesn't work as a piece of entertainment, and it certainly doesn't work as anything other than what it is; a lame attaempt to shock audiences in the #metoo era. Avoid this movie and let's never speak of it again. Truly awful and repugnant, but not for the reasons you have been told it is.
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