Review of The Trap

The Trap (III) (2019)
Cringy AF...
11 April 2019
I know what this was supposed to be a fun, light-hearted, just for laughs type of movie that you can watch with a group of friends and have a good time, like the classic Friday. But this aint it!!

It popped up on my suggestions on Netflix and I saw T.I. and Epps was on it, so I clicked. They've done some really good and funny stuff so I know a movie with them would be decent. I was wrong.

I enjoy a good-bad low budget movie, with sub par acting and plot, but this was all over place. The overacting was strong on this one. And you can tell a lot of the dialogue was off script, which was supposed to make it funnier, but it would end up just going and going to the point where it got awkward. Even the great Loretta seemed like an amateur. Dialogue and direction is that bad.

There are times it's obvious people were simply added to give the actor something funny to say, but it goes nowhere.

This movie had potential...I liked the premise. Better handling of the script, better supporting actors and keeping a tighter leash on the dialogue could've taken it from a F movie to the B level that it wanted to be.

I judge a movie by how easily I can recreate it. I could've rounded up a couple of friends and video taped a quick story just like this one. There was nothing special about it other than it's cast. A for effort. F for the fact that they squandered all of the talent they had to work with.

If you're 13 years old or just looking for a movie you want to play in the background of a party just to have something on, this is perfect.
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