16 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
We watch Seagal films because the acting is bad, the dialouge is worse, and the plot twists have the complexity a granny knot. Seagal plays a special international DEA agent who seeks revenge for the death of his partner, something we don't know anything about as there is absolutely no character build-up or introduction, a characteristic of Seagal's fine precise writing ability. (It's an action film, stupid!)

Seagal is in Bucharest, Romania according to the writing on the screen. They also use the same font to run their credits (Highlight, right click, font, click, then change). The Russian mafia is manufacturing and fronting drugs to the Romanians, who in turn use beautiful women to mule these drugs all over Europe. Apparently their airport security is like ours and only pat down old people. Seagal has a new partner who he verbally abuses. The Romanian mafia also does home break-ins where they rob people and then rape and kill women, not necessarily in that order. (The Russian mafia is civilized and don't approve of that behavior.)

Special effects include speeding up the scene, slowing down the scene, shooting a still, and making everything blurry. While other movies do this also, this film tended to overdue the effect to the point of being annoying. The music got a little hard-core as the film flirted with a few grindhouse techniques. It was almost as if someone describe what a grindhouse movie was to Seagal, and he decided to make one having never seen one.

Seagal utilizes a stooly who looks like a cross between Joe Pesci and Vlad the Impaler. In the movie and IMDB Seagal's name is Bobby Samuels. My DVD box says he is Samuel Axel.

Seagal has a girlfriend in this movie, who he lectures as if she is four years old. They have a weird love/sex scene where she gets naked and he keeps his clothes on...which may be a good thing.

Nudity, sex?, rape, f-bomb and some dry humor lines from Seagal.
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