An Excellent Story
19 April 2019
One thing about this episode? Samantha Eggar playing Vivian Brandt? She is the reason why her husband is embezzling funds. This leads him to murder his partner to try and cover it up. THIRTY seconds after she is told that her husband's best friend has been murdered? She is telling him to put Bertie out of our minds. We are alive. Let's take a trip. Let's buy clothes. We are still alive. Let's enjoy it while we can"...!!?!!..... She almost appears Border-Line Sociopathic. She is the scariest character in the whole episode. You get the feeling that this woman could take your life and then go to sleep like a baby. If I ever meet this actress, I would really like to hear her explanation for this character. Is she just a pure Hedonist? Or is she a Sociopath taking advantage of her hubby to fulfill her own needs?
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