Darkroom (2013 Video)
20 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Michelle (Kaylee DeFer) was the impaired driver of a car that killed three people. She is at a rehab hospital run by Rachel (Elisabeth Röhm). Michelle wants to move on with her life, while Rachel believes she needs to deal with her issues and purge her sins. Rachel sets Michelle up with a job at the "Darkroom" run by Larry (Christian Campbell) who we later find out is her son. As it turns out Michelle gets imprisoned in a room with a breakable wooden chair, pictures of herself in a bra, and an analog TV with bad home movies. As we all know, psychotic Christians like to use power tools to cleanse people of their sins. Spare the power drill, spoil the child.

The film is light on originality and decent dialog. "Who's a naughty girl?" is a question you ask during a playful spanking, not an amateur appendix operation. Much of the film is told with flashbacks. If you are waiting for "Hostel 4" or "Saw 7" you might want an appetizer.

Parental Guide: F-bomb. No sex. Brief nudity (Kaylee DeFer) Torture.
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