Game of Thrones: The Long Night (2019)
Season 8, Episode 3
Letter from Daenerys to Daario
30 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Dear Daario,

we just witnessed the most brutal carnage that mankind has ever seen. Here, in Winterfell, the army of the dead was upon us. You cannot imagine the utter destruction they brought. My entire Dothraki horde was killed within seconds! It was a living nightmare. I do not know what to do, because in utter despair, about 90% of our people were slaughtered. Those who could not fight hid away in the crypts, only to be massacred by the dead buried there. I am devastated.

Believe, it borders on an utter miracle that Jon survived. And Tyrion. And my two dragons. And Sansa. And Arya. And Jaime. And Sam. And Davos. And Bran. And Brienne. And Sandor. And Varys. And Missandei. And Gilly. And Tormund. And Podrick. And Grey Worm. And Gendry.

Hugs and kisses, Dany
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