Review of Mankind

Mankind (2019)
Pleasantly surprised...
1 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'll be totally honest, I had no preconceptions going in with this film. From the stills I had seen, I imagined that this was going to be another typical gay short with a fair bit of flesh and a vapid storyline, so I was pleasantly surprised. It's an interesting idea to clash grand sci-fi with everyday relationships, and view it through that lens. The film is beautifully shot and edited, with many subtle timing choices adding layers of meaning and scope for speculation or interpretation. The music supports the drama without intruding, and the two performances were really sensitively played.

Mankind didn't feel like it was trying to make a point, which is how all the best dramas get their points across. I was immediately sucked in and really cared, in such a short space of time - and found my allegiances with both men switching as it went on.

Will (Ricky Nixon) betrays nothing less than a seen-it-before defensive stance when confronted by his partner. His character is a distracted, despairing creature whose batteries seem to be winding down as the film progresses. Evan (Alexis Gregory) on the other hand lashes out with all the fury one might expect, though by the end, having worn his heart on his sleeve throughout, he appears almost indifferent and unable to recognise his partner. It's an uncomfortable and devastating moment many will recognise.

While the film could have easily veered into pretentious territory, it is in fact a subtle, very well-made and moving short, albeit with the kind of epic narrative one would usually expect from a feature film. Well done to everyone involved.
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