Game of Thrones: The Last of the Starks (2019)
Season 8, Episode 4
The killing of a great TV show
6 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I am not going to make this review long as I simply don't want to talk about every detail that pissed me off. They have completely ruined years and years of buildup in a couple episodes. The writing is glaringly bad at this point. Many scenes don't make any sense if you think about them for any amount of time past the initial watch and most scenes are done for cheap dramatic effect instead of realistic story telling.

Pros: -Tyrion and Varys scenes were interesting and intense. More of this please! -While it didn't make any sense, the killing of the dragon was visually stunning. The dragon writhing in air and then crashing into the water was chilling. -The feast scene had it moments and I think was well shot.

Cons: -Dany turning evil is a great storyline, but completely rushed -Plot holes: How did no one see the oncoming ships? Dany was super high in the air, they couldn't have hid behind the rocks that well. How did the three arrows hit the one dragon with exact precision, but 20+ couldn't hit the second even though it was flying in a straight line and was closer? -Bronn hating Jaime and Tyrion made no sense and throws away seasons of character development -If Jaime actually goes back to Cersei (instead of turning on her/killing her), one of the series' best characters will be completely ruined. -Writing felt very cheap in many scenes. Why would Dany start Gendry's promotion by insulting him and his family? Those scenes were done for dramatic effect and no other reason. -Jon leaving Ghost like that was disgusting.

I could write more but there is no reason to. Didn't enjoy this episode and hate where the season is going and how the story will end.
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