Arrow: Living Proof (2019)
Season 7, Episode 21
Great to see Tommy back!
7 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was definitely very weird. I was conflicted at first, but nowI do think this was a really good episode.

It was just great to see Tommy back. His scenes with Oliver were just great. The back and forth, and moral dilemma on to kill, or not to kill Emiko were some really strong scenes.

Emiko has fortunately improved. I don't think the actress is good still, but her scenes are getting a little better. As a villain she's already done a lot to Oliver, she's ruined TA deal with the SCPD, and their reputations once again. While her motivations don't make complete sense, it seems like they're gearing up for a great final confrontation between Emiko and Oliver.

Another positive is just Roy. He's great to have back, and I thought the scene between him and Dinah was pretty good.

Also for once there was an actual shocking scene. Since we already know most of these characters survive in the flash forwards we weren't expecting them to die that way. Yes it was a hallucination, but it definitely made the episode more tense overall. Not to mention it was just a great scene.

There were some silly things, like Dinah being inconsistent, the goons getting killed, and only having melee weapons, and I do feel like the episode could've been handled a bit better in general, it feels a little late in the season. I still don't like the flash forwards (even if they weren't that bad this episode). Overall though it was actually a really good episode and I hope Arrow ends Season 7 with a great finale.
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