Arrow: Living Proof (2019)
Season 7, Episode 21
Colin Donnell is perfect, as always.
8 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
"Living Proof" is probably one of, if not, the most entertaining episodes of this season, however, it does have obvious flaws. The whole episode being set inside of Oliver's head while he was unconscious is a cool premise, but unfortunately, that is also my largest flaw with the episode. The twist is a little bit... off. I don't quite understand why Emiko knew about Felicity's pregnancy inside of... Oliver's dream? That was such a weird thing to write in, it really felt forced to me.

The flash forwards were fine, about as good as they always are, a little bit bland but overall, quite decent. What I loved about this episode, is Colin Donnell, the relationship between Tommy and Oliver has probably been my favorite dynamic of the entire series. I also love that "Arrow" has chosen to keep Tommy permanently dead all these years, because if he were to come back to life through a Lazarus pit or something, it would make Season 1 lose the huge impact it had when it first aired.

Oliver and Tommy are the bulk of the episode, which is a great thing, because their scenes feel long overdue. But, better late then never. The show did a fine job of dealing with Tommy's death back in season 2, but it never really fully felt finished until this episode. That was amazing to see, even if it took over 5 years to get us here.

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