Fine for Avid fans
8 May 2019
Detective Pikachu is a movie for Pokemon fans in the truest sense of the word. It's nice, but if you don't understand the appeal of a MewToo, don't expect many answers.

for the rest of us this is really another opportunity to see if Ryan Reynold's charisma and sarcasm can make anything watchable and no surprise, he is really one of the best parts of it.

Also Justice Smith, who plays Tim Goodman. He has to head to the Pokemon-human utopia of Rhyme city when his detective father is lost. It's there he meets dad's pokemon partner Pikachu and together they both have to figure out what happened.

Like I said, Smith is great here. You might know him from the Netflix show The Get Down, Jurassic World 2 was so bad I thought it was trying to derail the kid's movie career before it even started.

But here he plays a very lonely kid who doesn't really fit with anything or anyone.

Of course he fits perfectly with Pikachu Reynold's voices. He swerves perfectly between being sincere and offering up a funny line and whether or not they become fast friends in never in doubt.

This movie was directed by Rob Letterman, who also made the first Goosebumps movie, and he's pretty good with zany animation.

The pokemon monsters are sometimes cute, sometimes odd and make up most of the hit-or-miss gags in the movie.

Having some prior knowledge of the characters may determine your level of enjoyment with them. To me I laughed a couple times but also I have to say we're already 2 movies into this summer and so far both just seem heavily interested in providing fan service.

There's an endless supply of Pokemon characters in this movie, from Psyduck to MewToo, most come in for a quirky laugh, others so they can fight each other. I guess this is fun for avid game players. As filmmaking it's pretty one-dimensional.

This movie starts out as detective fiction. It even uses a clip from that movie Kevin watches in Home Alone to show you exactly what it's going for.

That's ironic considering that movie doesn't really exist and the detective yarn this movie tries to set up proves equally hollow come second half.

This movie is getting compared to Blade Runner but only in that it's just another movie to glom on to that movie's neon chinatown aesthetic.

Pikachu seems much more comfortable with underground pokemon battles, the big finale battle, and a fantastic effects-driven chase during an Earthquake and it's fans will probably appreciate both those things much more too.

Just that doesn't leave much room for plot which is pretty dull. The villains are easy to spot and i'm not exactly sure I even understood their entire plan.

Overall Smith and Reynold's work great together, the effects work are fun and sometimes even stunning, and this is definitely a movie for Pokemon fans.

Just I think it's a little too simplistic for anyone not already in love with the video game in the first place.
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