5/10 is about right
21 May 2019
Context: While I've accepted that Trump is president and I have to suck it up until 2020 or 2024 (or until Americans grow a brain), I really don't like Trump and want him out of office ASAP. I also enjoy SNL's takes on Donald Trump, so it can be done right.

This show just isn't very good. While they got the highest quality voice actors out there (Tara Strong, anyone?), the animation is stiff and there's literally no plot. It's nothing more than parroting Trump's stupidity and mocking it with whatever joke fits the day and age. It's Colbert's "Cartoon President" but with animals for some reason. It's never explained why they're suddenly animals other than Trump could sue. Nothing is actually added to the conversation. Nothing enlightening about the current situation. Hell, the jokes are overused and don't even land well. The only segments I thought were funny (and the only reason this is getting 5 stars and not 1) were the Trump Preschool segments, where Trump resorted to being a toddler. While the joke is overused, there were plot ideas that could actually develop into something cool. The idea of a Trump Preschool might actually be a good idea and there is quite a bit to play with there. Instead of having Trump baby sit around complaining, show him interacting with those kids. It might actually be a little funnier and more compelling to watch. My problem with A Fowl American is that this show expanded beyond "Look at Trump talk to the camera about how much of an idiot he is. Trump is a moron". It was a web series filled with wasted potential.
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