Game of Thrones: The Long Night (2019)
Season 8, Episode 3
Forget the hate train, this episode was great.
27 May 2019
Don't mind the echoes resonating from the salt-mines that this season has been getting from Dany-waifus, from fan-fiction-writters who think "The Long Night" should have been the finale, from viewers who didn't gauge their expectations to how fast 6 episodes would be, and to self-proclaimed warlords who think they should have put the trebuchets inside the walls; They were all proven completely wrong.

Unlike the earlier seasons of GoT this one should be looked at more like a Motion-picture. We knew it was going to be condensed.

When you look at it more like "Endgame" it's an intense action-packed battle that kept us on the edge of our seats and concludes perfectly many of the character's arcs.
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