A French comedy with the same title is pretty good. This isn't.
8 June 2019
In 2007, two different films titled "Days of Darkness." One was a French drama/fantasy/comedy called "L'Âge des Ténèbres" but translated as "Days of Darkness," written and directed by Denys Arcand and starring Marc Labrèche. The other was this low budget zombie movie directed by Jake Kennedy. For your own sake, do not confuse these two. One is a good movie. This is the bad one. It's not utterly without redeeming qualities. It deviates from classic zombie premises in some respects and so takes some turns you don't usually see, which I liked, and for a film with a low budget, the special effects aren't that bad. But the dialogue is terrible, the acting is bad, and parts of the plot are so forced they make no sense. As so often occurs in horror movies, everyone behaves like an idiot. Worst of all, it's boring. Don't watch this "Days of Darkness." Watch the French comedy instead.
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