Review of Viking

Viking (2016)
Did I watch a different movie?
9 July 2019
I really do not understand the rating and the hate for this movie. Is it because it was made by a russian and they speak russian in the movie? I can understand if thats the case, the hate for everything russian is strong in the world, and the language can be quite off putting. I had a bit of a hard time trying to remember the russian names...

BUT, this movie is really great. Definetly looks like a lot of money has been put into it. It definetly looks very authentic and realistic. I have no idea how historically correct this movie is with the story since I dont really know anything about Vladimir, but there are so many other things that would compensate for it. The fighting scenes for example are excellent. Never seen so realistic fights in a "viking" movie, not even in the show Vikings. It is also really nice to see that they make a good use of spears in this movie, which very rarely happens in viking movies, despite being the most cammon weapon.

I found the story exciting and there were not many dull moments in this movie, despite it being quite long. As a Swede it was also really nice to hear some swedish in this movie, and to see the swedish actor Joakim Nätterqvist, who played the swedish templar Arn in the movies about Arn.

I feel this movie is a strong 8, especially when you compare it to other "viking" movies the last decade. Like "Viking Legacy", "Viking Quest", "Viking the berserkers", "Vikingdom", "Northmen - A Viking Saga" etc. Those movies are a complete joke compared to this movie. Worse acting, worse dialogs, worse story, worse realism, worse budget etc.

I would definetly recommend you to give this movie a chance instead of trusting the rating and the reviews of this movie. They are absolutely not fair against this movie according to me.
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