In the air, no one can hear you sleep. Unless you snore. They'll defo know then.
10 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So, here we are, another asylum film, that's not what it says it is. Only this particular example is exceptionally egregious. It's unfathomable why a post Sharknado Asylum would promote a 70's style disaster film as a Fast and the Furious clone. It makes no sense at all. It's almost as stupid as the film itself. I say almost.

The only reason why someone would not make Airplane references whilst watching this bird brainer would be that they never saw Airplane, and even if they didn't, they'd still know, on instinct, that this is a bunch of cliched bollocks. Something suggests to me that this whole film is a troll. That the disaster film tropes are so concisely played out to the letter, that this is some misguided attempt at parody. Which is stupid by the way, if that happens to be true.

Another explanation for this tedious don't care at all is that someone at the asylum really, really wanted to make a disaster movie in the year of our Lord 2017, and convinced backers that it was a good idea for a production house that couldn't produce establishing shots without the aid of animation software to do this.

These films in the 70's made profit solely on spectacle and their ensemble star cast. They were a desperate attempt by studios at the time to get one up on the kind of high returning low budget genre movies The Asylum has been making since the genesis. These movies were always absurd and it was only their excessive budgets that drew audiences in. Not like the Asylum would clock this or even care if they did. They are the mockbuster guys after all. Supreme hucksters.

But when this blithe overconfidence is coupled with gross mis marketing and Sharknado levels of absurdity, uncoupled from that film's sense of 'irony' as well, the result is one of the worst Asylum films I've ever sat through. I can't remember the last time I cared so less, I disengaged so completely from a Direct to DVD movie. I thought I had built up an immunity towards low budget banality, but nope, I can barely remember anything from this film apart from several utterly witless plot twists and an antagonist too effectively snide to be in a film this unintelligent.

It was a brain drain watching The Fast and the Fierce. A film seemingly allergic to logic, realism and even reason. One that relies independently upon the audience's conviction of the severe danger the scenario presents, and yet was so lazily written, the result becomes a feature film so packed with statements of pure anti-realism so earnestly presented, it could be the centrepiece of a video lecture on climate change denial. This was crap.
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