Review of Dark

Dark (2017–2020)
ICH BIN DU -- butts the paradox head on
23 July 2019
Watched the first two seasons in German with subtitles and thought it was excellent. The tension just keeps building as more is revealed. It is hard to say if the creators can maintain plot discipline in the forth coming seasons, but there was definitely coherence in the first two.

Acting was outstanding and you can really feel everyone involved in the project giving it their best. Dark is the first German television series that is a global hit and it has certainly raised the international profile of all its actors and so I suppose they have good reason to commit to their roles, but I also get the sense that the actors appreciate the social and philosophical themes that are explored and regard the material to be worthwhile and meaningful.

Best if you watch the show in German and use subtitles if necessary. It was not really meant to be binged and if you are not fluent in German then it is probably best to sip it slowly.
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