Review of Hostile

Hostile (I) (2017)
Pretentious, badly written and laughably acted
25 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie fails on each level and with every its element other than the creature effects.

Ok, here we go. Even though there are not as many actors in this movie, all of them besides the husband are horrible. The lead is the worst. Her facial expressions are so fake and confusing. It makes you laugh when you see just how much she tries and fails, everything from her voice to her facial expressions is terrible, her body language is a mess as well. She's also distractingly pretty and in no way believable as a character. She's too beautiful for a post-apocalypse scenario as well as for a drug addict with a broken life one. It's like having a Hollywood top model in a WWII movie as a soldier. I thought that she is in the film because she is in a relationship with the director or the producer, this is not uncommon these days, but I have found no proof to back this up. The supporting cast besides the husband was probably just the people from the production crew, there's not a lot of them, but they all overact like crazy (the doctor lady, the old man buying drugs and the others).

The dialogue was atrocious. I guess I should give some credit to actors trying to act while saying such nonsense after all. I think the idea was to sort of form a dynamic genuine love relationship since French directors love to mix up love, sex, and violence. But yet again, this failed.

Character-wise the lead gives you no reason to root or care for her whatsoever. At times she's saucy and aggressive for no reason, probably to indicate drug addiction or mental issues. Sometimes she's tough and acts like a Rambo, other times she's weak and defensive. Her arc is vague and is probably meant to indicate that she finally opened herself to others. Yet I'm not sure about that. The husband character is a stereotype of how insecure single women in their 40ties imagine a perfect man. Single, handsome, educated, rich yet always has free time, caring, selfless, and always understanding - no bad traits or drawbacks. His motivation is mostly sex, and he's quite dull. He has a couple of pretentious lines about how hard it was for him to cope with becoming rich or something, not particularly interesting either.

The story is a mess with as many holes there are in a cheese grater. They attempt at using two parallel timelines and storylines that go side by side. In both of these, the lead is hostile towards the husband, who for no reason (besides sex in the first story) cares for her and tries to help her. This substantiates the idea of true love that has no limits. Besides the fact that the ending was utterly improbable, they still failed with the message as well. This is quite literal "love till the end of the world" (and after that) story built on nothing. They had zero chemistry together, the lead most of the time just acted like an attention-hungry wench while the husband was unreasonably caring while being driven by sex (which makes his character pretty sexist). The child losing scene was so badly acted and misdirected it makes you wonder why would they even go for such intense scenes with such horrible writing and directing. I would probably give the film some credit for the ending scene, but I've already seen a similar story that was done better. REC 3 Genesis was a funny little B-movie with the same ending message done a million times better. The foreshadowing in this is just kindergarten level. Look closer to see the man behind the monster, pictures of hands, Jesus Christ.

I guess I should address a couple of holes in this. Well, we don't know anything about the world ending event other than a gas attack in the middle of the city. However, the lead doesn't seem to age at all, so I assume that the world died and turned into a desert quite fast. There's also no indication of survival on her. They also mix USA-type gas station with obvious French trucks which just makes it even more confusing. The creatures are probably resurrected or heavily mutated people, as indicated by the ending. Or if not, the conclusion starts to make even less sense. Their capabilities are unknown. Sometimes the lead can quickly kill them in a melee fight in a trailer, other times she can't, and the bullets and explosions don't seem to hurt them anymore. The armored car she drives in has metal grates that can easily be removed with bare hands. The's a survivor, but she doesn't know how to use a beacon. The handling of her broken leg was incredibly unrealistic. The creature's intentions were purposely made unclear to ensure the twist (since it's obviously aggressive at first). They are sometimes slow, sometimes fast, sometimes strong, sometimes weak. They seem to be blind, but the light hurts them. They are attracted by sound and can teleport. Loved the dialogue when they bait her into activating the beacon only to tell her they are not coming for her, and she verbally assaults the only person that can save her life now :D I mean, I would not want to go back for her either.

Overall, I enjoyed the creature make-up even though it was a complete rip-off from the Fallout game series Feral Ghouls. Opening shots were kinda cool and... this is pretty much it.

Hostile is a bad movie, and I didn't like it.
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