Captive State (2019)
Family is not defined by blood, but family is everything.
27 July 2019
I so rarely write a good review. Seems like the squeaky wheel always gets the grease. This, dark little apocalyptic gem is an exception. It both has an hasn't been done before. I've seen all of it in bits and pieces elsewhere, but the way the story gets woven together in a smart and suspenseful way is new, the twist at the end was almost a surprise and for the most part the acting is very good. John Goodman rarely ever disappoints me. He is a legend.

Give it a go if you like a smart, heady dystopian yarn, but don't expect a lot of gore or tons of cgi or action scenes. There is some of each, but it isn't the point and in my opinion this is better for it. A lot of times low budget movies depend too much on cheap theatrics and fail to capture the charm they could have had. This one doesn't make that mistake. It depends on good acting, decent plot and not giving us dessert first to keep us interested.

The gist of the story: Aliens have taken over the earth. Some (very few) of us are still fighting back. It is a very steep hill and many of our own people stand in our way. In the end family is not defined by blood, but family is everything.

This doesn't answer every question and leaves room for a sequel. I wouldn't mind one and I would watch it, but I find that one isn't really necessary even not knowing all the answers.
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