Falling for Angels (2017– )
Strangely, my review disappeared...
3 August 2019
Not sure why (and definitely no spoilers added) my previous review disappeared, but I'll do my best to recreate it. While I really liked several of the episodes in this series, the final "Malibu" was by far the worst...and not worst in that it was the worst of these episodes, but in that it was really, REALLY bad. It was almost as if all the characters from all the previous episodes suddenly shed their personalities and became one big gay, cutesie cliche'. In fact, it really seemed as someone completely different had written this episode not having seen/read the scripts of the previous, which is why all the characters here have no unique voice. I did find it interesting that the two protagonists came from the web series "What If..." but sadly I didn't know of the series at the time I watched this episode, and thus had no idea of the back story that was alluded to during the episode. Just a very sad and anticlimactic let-down to an otherwise great series.
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