A Mob Movie Art Piece
16 August 2019
Sergio Leone's Once Upon a Time in America (3 hour and 49 minute version) is a beautifully paced art piece. The film jumps between time periods, masterfully blending three different zeitgeists. The detail placed in this film is brilliant. The story takes its' time to get where it needed to be. While the film is long, it feels as if there's more than one movie within this film. Leone makes the film feel like a trilogy or bilogy of sorts, when he tells different stories from multiple eras. The set/environments of the film are very stylish. The set and environment expand and become more vibrant with the story overtime. Leone successfully transitions us from a period of immigrants in New York in the early 1900s, to the prohibition era, to a more modern period. The film tells a different story of America for a specific group. As these characters grow, so does the country and its' conflict. The characters within this film are very relatable, in the sense that their lives represent our elevation or descent into our later years. Despite their deplorable actions, the characters are all charismatic and engaging. The dialogue between characters is natural. The acting in this film is great. The younger cast and their older counterparts transition these characters in a cohesive manner. It's as if you're actually watching the younger cast grow into their older selves. Robert De Niro and James Woods do a fantastic job in their roles. Their acting is phenomenal. The cinematography is great, with shots that feel as if they were ripped from a Picasso painting or a Michelangelo sculpture. The shots in this film are masterful, with few exceptions. The storytelling keeps you engaged for the most part. The only exception is after the intermission. After the intermission, the film feels a little boring and fruitless at times. It could have been done in a manner of ease, however it feels crammed in with the rest of the film. The film is very long (depending on what version you watch). However, it's a great film. Overall, Once Upon a Time in America is a classic mob movie that encompasses an artistic vision with timeless storytelling.
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