Review of The Mule

The Mule (2018)
19 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, so this may not be "nice," but Clint Eastwood hasn't made a great or really good movie since 2004. That's right, 2004. "Million Dollar Baby." That's 15 years. I think it's time for him to call it quits as a Director.

Every movie since 2004 has been mediocre. He's lost it, lost the "edge," lost something. All his movies now are like the old Movies of the Week that we used to have on television. Those were mediocre, placid, but with just enough pulse to sell detergent. That's what Eastwood's movies are like these days.

They certainly didn't spare any expense on cast in this one. Bradley Cooper cannot be cheap... did he do this as a favor or something? It's a nothing, secondary role. Laurence Fishburne? Entirely wasted in a perfunctory role any B-actor could have done.

Here are the problems with "The Mule":

1) The script effing sucks. Superficial, not developed, plot holes galore, and subplots that are irrelevant and/or make no sense. Here's a short example of some:
  • The leader of the cartel wants to meet the mule so he flies him in to his compound in Mexico. (Really? What major cartel boss gives a crap about meeting an elderly mule? BS.)
  • The leader of the cartel is killed halfway in the film by mutinous crew who are worried about the boss slipping. (Really? We never saw the boss slipping or making mistakes.) And when the leader is killed, no one around objects. Seriously...??
  • The new leaders of the cartel are mean, angry and threatening, and the mule has to "be on time" or else. (WTF? When was this ever a problem during the film? He's their prize mule, why all the sudden concern and need to threaten the guy? Completely illogical.)
  • The majority of the conversations Eastwood has with family members are forced, contrived, not believable. It's as if these were written by someone who's never had a family or understands relationships. The writer is not a great writer, just look at his past credits.

2) The acting is mediocre. This is not the actors' fault. These are good actors. It's the fault of the director who doesn't know WTF he wants out of these actors' performances. And this shows. I would bet major bucks that Eastwood gave very little direction -- if any -- to any of the stars. Big mistake.

3) This film doesn't know what it wants to be. A thriller? A drama? An action-adventure? A docu-drama? Eastwood should have made up his mind and stuck with it. This film is all over the place, is not consistent, and turns into some weird drama late in the film with his ex-wife dying. And then, after being caught by the Feds, he pleads guilty and goes to prison. The End.

Talk about a whimper of an ending! This is almost as bad as the ending to the horrible movie "Under the Silver Lake."

Clint Eastwood has lost it. Sorry folks. He should just stick to acting in these twilight years, and be happy with a number of great films he used to make. I'm done. I have no interest in watching any new Eastwood-directed movie again.
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